Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who stole June?

I almost could not believe my eyes this morning when I looked at my calendar and it said July 1st! I don't even remember June it flew by so fast!

We did have a great end to June 2014. We FINALLY paid off my student loan. I was thinking we would get that done in May but the car needed new brakes and roters (sp?). We were happy to pay for that with cash but that meant not paying off my school loan till June. My brain is all paid for!!!

Our last debt is now Kelly's school loan. We have an estimated payoff date of February 2015. Watch our Sallie Mae, the Meerpohls are coming after you!

June 2014 also was my first exchange trip with 4-H. Our county hosted a group from Pennsylvania this summer and next summer they will host us. It was a lot of fun! I had their adult chaperone Lori stay with us and she was a blast! And now I get to be the tall one in pictures! Never thought I would ever get to say that with one of my friends. :-)

Kelly and the boys had fun meeting Lori and some of their kids too. Today when I picked Daryl up after dropping Lori at the airport this was what he said.
D-Mom did Lori go back to Pennsylvania today?
Me-Yes she did.
D-Next year will you go to Pennsylvania and be amazed?
Me- Yes I will!
While I was supervising the exchange I also got some knitting done on Al's sweater! Yay!!

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