Monday, July 7, 2014

Big plans for the Big Weekend

I don't know about everyone else but I had big plans to finish lots of projects over the three day weekend. Turns out the three knitting projects I was going to finish didn't really pan out. :-)
I almost had one hat done but my misreading the pattern and knitting almost the whole thing with 86 stitches (super bulky yarn) instead of 68 wasn't really going to work out! So I ripped it all out and put it in time out.
So I got a measly start to a sleeve done on my three days of knitting bliss. :-/

We did have a good fourth. We went to Great Grandma and Grandpas and had a meal and some small fireworks with the Ramirez family. It was so nice to visit and catch up. Everyone is so busy these days I really appreciate the times we can get together. :-)
We left before the big fireworks because they pretty much scare the daylight out of Alex. We had to sleep with him on the 3rd and 4th and he passed out pretty early on the 5th and finally slept alone.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend. I know there are a couple of families in Hanston that had scary weekends and I'm keeping all of them in my prayers. Between Mom and facebook I'm getting updates, it is funny how connected we can all be while still be physically away from each other.

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