Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A New Distance! A New Cousin! A New Hat!

It has been May since my half marathon. I am missing that satisfied feeling after finishing a race that I trained for. It also makes it hard to get up at 5:15am if you don't have any distance in particular you need to run.
So I have signed up for my very first 25K! I'll do the math for you
3.1x25= 75.25?? (that's not right...)
3.1x5=15.5miles (that's better!)

How does one train for a 25K? You look on the internet for training plans and realize they are all in Kilometers...and I run in miles....I feel like I should have seen that one coming.
So I took a Marathon plan and cut it down to the week you do a 13 mile run. Do that run two weeks before the race. Then taper for a bit, then run 15 miles.
Race Date is September 21st so I will let you all know how it pans out.

Last Sunday our family loaded up in the car and went to meet our new niece/cousin, Ms. Amelia. She was a week old and it just killed Daryl that we had to wait so long. Turns out he really loves babies! He kept saying, "Isn't she a cutie!" She is, and we are now super loaded with July birthdays in our family!

And....I made my friend a chicken hat! Her wardrobe was really needing one because she is often referred to as the chicken lady. The chicken lady needs a chicken hat, right?!

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