Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Dear Alex

I told Alex to hold up two fingers. This is as close as we got!

 Today my dear baby boy turned two years old! I can't even believe it. He still doesn't talk much but he loves to hit a ball off of the tee and watch squirrels in the morning. He calls them all puppy!
While I was at work today Kelly went and got the ritual store bought cupcakes. Poor Alex, he has to wait for his birthday party to be in August. Good thing he does not care one little bit!
I did get his two year sweater done so that is a win. Now I just need to start on D's! I might have some chances to work on it during the fair. It is a super busy time but you should always have some knitting in your purse, just in case!

Daryl likes birthday cupcakes too!

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