Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's still May?

It is the last week of May (so I have been told) and I am out of town for work. I can't wait till I get to see my babies on Friday but this does lead to some interesting phone calls! This morning Daryl and I played peek-a-boo on the phone. We can't see each other, my phone doesn't do that! So we just told each other peek-a-boo for a little while and he giggled and I laughed too.

Alex is getting two new teeth on top! He decided to do this while mommy was away so I will check for sure tomorrow and tell you if people were lying to me. If they weren't lying that makes a grand total of five teeth!

I've been trying to sneak in some knitting during this road trip. It would be nice to finish something since I have not done that for two months. So here are my socks in progress. I just have to turn the heel and knit the foot and BAM pair-o-socks. If I were the Yarn Harlot I could do that while writing this blog post. But since I'm me let's shoot for Sunday being Sockday!

A girl can dream, right?

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