Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's day everyone. (A day late.) I had a wonderful weekend and not much different in the fact that Kelly spoiled me! Where I work was the annual plant sale so I finally got flowers for my flower box. It took 42 to fill it but it looks great! Also, these kinds of flowers for mother's day last a long time!

For the third year in a row my friend Brooke and I have participated in the Mother's Day 5K. The first year we ran, last year we were both pregnant and walked and this year we jogged! For my first race since October 2011 I was happy with my time. I jogged the course in 34:35. My best 5K time ever is 26:42 so I have some work to do.
I loved being a part of that race again and am now confident to enter more. They are addictive and I  had forgotten how great it feels to cross the finish line.

After the race we hung out at the legends and Daryl and Addison played in the big fountain. They had a great day too! Being at the Legends just walking around and taking it all in I run into my Aunt and Uncle from SW Kansas and their whole family. What a small world! It was the perfect cap to a great mother's day!

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