Monday, May 6, 2013

The wind was blowing through his curls!

Today was gorgeous so I picked both of the boys up a little early and we went to Gage park. Or as Daryl likes to put in "My Park". I guess when your backyard backs up to the park you can claim it!
Here is a great picture of Daryl the first time he took a ride in the baby swing. I thought at the time I've never seen a happier kid.
Then today I got this picture of Alex on the baby swing for the first time.
Happy Boy! It was a great day to play at the park and we all had a great time.
Last month something very exciting happened and I can't believe I've waited this long to spill the beans. I am officially on the waiting list to be in the Hello Yarn fiber club! There was an online sign up and I was afraid I won't get one of the 200 slots. That would mean another five years of waiting for the list to open again. Well folks, not only did I get on the list but I am number eight! I anticipate buying all the fiber very soon!!! Kelly is not nearly as excited, I have no idea why. To celebrate I'm spinning a little of my Hello Yarn stash. I used to just look at it because I was afraid I wouldn't get anymore. No longer a valid fear!

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