Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Trip to the Zoo

Grandma Rosie, Daryl and I took Alex to the zoo this weekend. Daryl had been wanting to go for a couple of weeks. So with Grandma Rosie in town we made a special day of it. Grandma even got the boys matching shirts. At first Alex was really into it, then we started to lose him. It was a breezy cool afternoon and he couldn't help himself and he took a nap half of the way through.

Mom and I got up early on Saturday and participated in the Run 4 Others in Lawrence. It was fun, I did the four mile run and mom did the 1.4 mile walk. I was so happy she wanted to do this with me! I finished under 40 minutes speeding up my pace to 9.60 minute miles. Slowly, but surely I'm getting there. 

Still no pair o' socks. Soon I hope!

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