Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Loving Being at Home!

I'm finally  back from three weeks of camps and 4-Hness and I wasn't sure I would make it. I did, and so did all the kids! Amen for that.
The boys and I spent last weekend getting to know each other again, they are my little darlings but after being home for a grand total of one hour Daryl was already in time out! I wouldn't expect anything different from my little pistol.
Kelly was a trooper while I was gone. The AC went out the week I was away and he had a couple of hot days before it got fixed. He earned his father day lunch and day off!
We spent father's day in  Holton with family. There was a cookout and great company. The highlight for the kids was mower rides given by cousin Carson. Carson is such a good sport with all his little cousins, he was driving the mower around for almost an hour. They all just adore him because of it!

Still no sock or sleeve but I think they are both going to be done at the same time. This summer has left little time for yarn. That is the only bummer! PS-Alex will be one soon and that means I am behind on the birthday sweater. I have the yarn and pattern I just need to make it. This one might come down to the wire!

Wouldn't Daryl have been a cute girl!

 Daryl loves the carousel at Gage Park!

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