Monday, April 29, 2013

Uggghhhhh Socks

Don't get me wrong, I've very pro knitting socks. I just didn't want to post again until I had a finished sock to show you. Well I decided to post anyway! Here's hoping my second sock knits itself a lot faster. PS-The second sock has a history of being painfully slower.

Daryl has his first play on May 9th. He has three lines and he knows them very well. He just always needs a little reassurance on when to say them. He is cow #2 and trust me there will be pictures! If anyone is in town that evening let me know and I will give you the details if you want to come.

Alex is feeling a lot better recently. He is laughing and smiling and enjoying the last few days of spring we have had. Of course we can't keep Daryl inside so we have been taking Alex outside too so he can watch brother.

Last weekend Kelly rerouted one of our drains out into the middle of the yard. Of course his little helper was right by his side!

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