Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh socks! How I have missed you!

Alex and I have had a couple of mommy baby days. Not for a reason I like, he is not feeling good. Sad baby :-(
While I've been home AND a single mom! Yes, Kelly left me...for TWO WHOLE DAYS! So I'm here holding it down with a sick baby and a busy busy Daryl. Good thing Kel is back TODAY. Hallelujah.
Fun things in a list that have happened recently:
1.) I got a new camera!! Yay, my old one has been busted since January. That is why there has been an abundance of cell phone pics recently. More pictures are coming.
2.) I'm knitting some socks for the first time in a year. I don't know why I don't just knit socks and hats. They make me the most happy. And the current sock I'm knitting is super happy.
3.)While Alex has been poppy (literally) these past two days. He has been sleeping good at night and being as happy as he can be.
When Spring is finally here to stay the world will be in Harmony :-)

I know this blog has a small readership but I still want to say my heart breaks for Boston. I spent all afternoon Monday wondering what is wrong with people. Then I picked up the boys and we played and smiled and had ice cream. Bad things will always happen but It does bring forward the best and the heroes. I can't control pretty much anything,but I will try to stay focused on being thankful and trying to make my little corner of the world a better place. Mostly likely using yarn as my  medium!

His third outfit today.

pretty pretty sock


  1. Miss Babs Cosmic Hand-painted Sock Yarn.
    It is loverly!

  2. Poor baby Alex. Hope he feels better soon. He sure looks happy.
    The socks look very pretty!
    We all pray for the safety of our families. I have added Boston to my prayer list.
    I am glad for you and the boys that Kelly is home.
    God bless
