Monday, April 8, 2013

Conversations I Never Want to Forget

Last week Daryl and I had these two exchanges. They were the kind of talks that I want to tell his kids about some day. So I better write them down.

For this first exchange let me set the scene. I picked Daryl up at daycare and he was very upset I did not have a snack for him and we were rushing to his theatre class so there was no time to get a snack.
D-I want to go home first and have a snack!
Me-We don't have time buddy we have to get to your class.
D-I don't want to go to my class, I want to skip today.
Me-Daryl this is only the second class if you don't go today we are not going back to any of them.
D-Fine, I don't want to go to any of the classes anymore.
Me-You really liked your first class, you just want to quit you want to be a quitter because you can't have a snack?
(Long quiet pause)
D-I don't want to be a quitter, I want to be a goer mom. I want to go to my class.
Me-OK buddy, we will go.

This exchange happened the same day after I was done reading Daryl's books to him. We were both snuggled on his bed and he was falling asleep.
D-Mom will you sleep with me tonight?
Me-I can't honey.
D-Because you are married and you have to sleep with dad?
D-Mom, if you are ever unmarried will you marry me so you can sleep with me?
Me-Oh honey, I don't plan on ever being unmarried. Love You, goodnight.

Parenthood is a funny thing because one minute you want to choke your darling and the next moment they are the reason you breathe. Silly kid!

Question for all my knitter friends out there. How come a baby dress, size nine months is taking FOREVER? If it is not done by the end of the week I may have to frog the whole thing and remake it a 12 month size anyway!
Both of us with our hair done!

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