Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crafts Rock!

Oh geez, it's already January 7th and this is the first post of the New Year. Sorry about that! A lot has happened since Christmas but if it didn't inspire a blog before this one it is probably not worth your time. I'll spare you the rehash and give you the most recent fun thing we did! You can thank me later...
So part of my job now is leading super fun activities for the 4-H youth and other youth in Shawnee County. Sometimes it is stuff I have to leave home and do myself but last Saturday I got to bring Daryl along! January Jamboree is an annual craft festival we do in our county. It is different than a craft sale because the kids move from station to station, pay a small fee, and actually get to make the craft to take home. It's all kinds of awesomeness!
You don't have to read too many back posts to realize I like crafty things. Making things with my hands are usually my proudest moments. So imagine the warmth in my heart when I see Daryl really enjoying doing crafts! It could be that he is four and that means playing with paint is the coolest thing in the world, OR it could mean he will always want to create things with his hands like I do! Have pictures of all the cute things he made but Blogger is being dumb and I can't upload them. Grrrrrrr, Moral of this post is Blogger should be less dumb!

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