Wednesday, January 23, 2013

News Flash: Toes Found!

Alex did not get a new tooth. Still not sure what all the fever and fussiness was about but the good thing is he is a happy baby once again!
I can't remember exactly when he started doing this, but this past weekend every time I lay him down on the changing table he is so delighted to meet his toes. He grabs at them, opens his mouth like he wants to eat them and laughs at how silly they are!
He is also sitting up very well on his own and that may have led to a bad decision on my part. Saturday morning was so beautiful I got the whole manor into the backyard. Daryl was digging, Kelly was taking down Christmas lights and I was picking up the presents that Vinny leaves us (ahem...poop). I couldn't do this while holding Alex so I found a spot in the grass free of any presents and sticks and let Alex sit. He was just as happy as a baby could be. So I got to work on my chore.
I hear Daryl "No, Alex No!"
I turn around any my baby boy is eating a mouthful of grass with another handful ready to go in! Just last week a friend was telling me her brother was always sick until he ate a little dirt. Alex should be good for awhile now. :-)

PS-I have a couple of knitting projects that need to be done on a deadline so of course I got distracted and knit a hat! Isn't she lovely? I blame Lynnie who gave me the pretty yarn!

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