Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Funny D Story

Regular readers if I have posted this story before please excuse me. But I was just telling it again the other day and I want to make sure to record it so it is one I can tell Daryl's kids some day!

With my new job I have a few night meetings here and there. The good news is since I work with youth, bringing my own youth is never a problem!

I think it was in November or December I was at a meeting with a High School age group. These youth ranged in age from 18 to 14 all just sitting around a large table. I was at the table myself holding Alex and Daryl was on the other side with the "Big Kids". The president of this teen group starts the meeting like this:

L-"Guys we are just going to keep this real casual so if you have anything to say just throw it out there."
Daryl looks up from the paper he had been coloring on and says:
Daryl-"I can spell my name D-A-R-Y-L"
L-"That is awesome buddy, good job!"

The rest of the kids gave Daryl smiles of approval and they moved on. So you can see how it is almost impossible NOT to take him to meetings. He feels right at home even with kids fourteen years older than him!

On the knitting front I think I'm going to start my Nuvem ruffle tonight! Squee!

Kelly says Daryl needs a haircut. I don't think so!

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