Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Tooth Doth Come Forth!

That is the fanciest post title I've every had. It is for a very fancy reason! I miss a lot of things with Alex that I didn't with Daryl. I haven't celebrated his month birthdays. I'm pretty sure I forgot to tell you all when he started sitting up and the first time he had baby food.
BUT, consider yourself the first to know, yesterday Alex cut his first tooth! I dropped him off at the sitter in the morning and no tooth, I picked him up at five and BAM, tooth!
I've started spinning the handy dyed wool I dyed at last year's Yarn School for the boys matching birthday sweaters. If all goes well they will be cute little cardigans. If things don't go well they will be vests. Sleeves depend on everything going smooth!!!!

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