Saturday, February 16, 2013

February is for Finishing!

Guess what this is...
That is my nuvem being bound off! I'm not even a quarter done with the bind off row but I'm super excited!
Last night Daryl got to pick a movie to watch with the whole family. It was his reward for some pretty awesome behavior recently. He picked Kung Fu Panda 2. At first I was indifferent but it was actually a pretty good movie. Major theme, don't be bitter about the past. Think I should keep a couple copies on hand to give out to adults! LOL

Daryl was pleased with his pick and hopes to get to do family movie night again soon.

This morning I took him with me to get my eyebrows waxed. It is a necessary evil. We are sitting there waiting and this is how the conversation goes:
D-Why do you get your eyebrows smacked?
Me-You mean waxed. Because it makes them look nicer.
D-Do boys do that?
Me-Not really.
D-That is not really fair.
Me-Tell me about it!

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