Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Daze

We are finally having winter in North East Kansas! I am not going to complain for two reasons:
1.) We need the moisture
2.)Why bother to knit sweaters if it never gets cold enough to wear them
a.) On that note, I think my fans would like to know Kelly Meerpohl has never wore the sweater it took me two years to knit him. Feel free to drop him an encouraging word in the comments!

Daryl is really loves playing in the white stuff. He already LOVES when school is cancelled for snow.
Along with a couple of snow days he also got to go to the circus last weekend. He is pretty much floating on cloud nine with all this fun stuff.
Since February is for Finishing I'm focusing on just that! I finished my Nuvem shawl so I'm dusting off an old project. It is a lacy cardigan I started in May of 2011! All it needs are sleeves, the body is completely knit.
Yesterday I cast on the first sleeve and I think I can finish it in a week. Technically it will be done in March but that will be just in time for coldish March/April weather. If it still fits! That's the problem when you knit on a garment for years, sometimes the person changes size.
Still spinning for the boys' birthday sweaters because nothing says love like a hand knit sweater in July! I'm probably going to be features in Awkward Family Photos one day with a slide show of all the hand knit sweaters. Oh well, I love it!

Don't forget to ask Kelly about his hand knit sweater next time you see him. Or write on his facebook. Or call him!
Daryl sledding down the hill
Kelly made for him

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