Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Highlights

Alex got baptised! Ya we didn't think the Christmas Holiday would be busy enough so we planned another thing for that weekend. All went well. I just didn't get any pictures...if I can figure out how to get Grandma's glo's out of my e-mail and onto my blog I'll let you know.
Alex and Kinsley's first meeting! Eric had to have
a talk with Alex. :-)
We had not one, not two but three Christmas celebrations! The boys got gifts from family as far as Florida. I hope they realize how blessed they are.
Daryl got to make the yearly Meerpohl Christmas toast with a wine glass this year. No Worries there was only grape juice in the glass.
I knit THREE K-State Hats over my four day weekend!! I feel the dark side taking over.... :-)
And lastly my Christmas present to myself, I finally finished my handspun vest! It is also kinda a Christmas present from Kelly because he occupies the boys while I spin and knit. I hope everyone had as Happy and successful Christmas as we did at The Manor!

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