Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Four Year Anniversary

Today is the four year anniversay of my Blog! You can see the origianl post here. I tried to recreate the picture with Alex that I took with Daryl. He didn't really understand me when I said you need to look like you are about to punch me. :-)
So I told Daryl we are going to have to take the picture again and you need to look like you are going to punch me like you looked four years ago. He did a pretty good job. I really hope some day on the 20th anniversary of the blog I can still get Daryl to recreate the picture!
The theme of the blog has changed from year to year. It always kinda depends on what my interests are at the time and what the kids are up to. One thing remains the same, if you are interested in gazing at my awesomness look at the blog from time to time. I almost never make a post that makes me look bad. Except for this one! LOL
Funny thing about when I posted four years ago, I never mentioned it was Kelly's birthday. Well December 11th is his birthday so Happy Birthday Kelly! I don't know why I didn't say that four years ago. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, as you wish. Not much has changed though... When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead.
