Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Family Reunion 2012

This past weekend was the Ramirez Family reunion. I was actually blogging at the last family reunion. This is one seriously fun party! So fun we only have it every other year so we can all recover! Two years ago I went to my first reunion, it was fun then but I didn't really appreciate it as much as this year because now I know more of the extended family. The event starts with a Mexican*ish potluck that is AMAZING. I only put the *ish in because our family made crescent roll veggie pizza. Didn't really fit the theme but it was enjoyed without prejudice!

The Mariachi band that played during the meal.

After a hearty meal and conversation there is the family meeting. The meeting is an update on all the branches of the family and it takes a good hour. No one speaks very long that is just how much news is reported on! Mostly its the new babies, marriages, anniversaries and career milestones.
This family has a lot to be proud of and it's fun to hear what Ramirezs' across the country are up to.

After the meeting is more visiting and then the dance with a live band and pinatas for the kids. Our family has to be good dancers, it's in the blood. Grandpa Greg and Grandma Evelyn danced this year celebrating 65 years of marriage! I bet one of their secrets of a strong marriage was to go dancing a lot!

The Mike and Gloria Meerpohl family with
Grandpa and Grandma Ramirez.

I still have to blog soon about Daryl's 4th birthday party that we just recently had. I also need to update on the knitting and spinning.

That will not take long because as it turns out, it is more fun to hold a newborn baby than it is to knit or spin! Crazy, I know! I do get some knitting done in the car when, by law, I can't hold Alex.

Saw a book today about teaching a "spirited" child manners. I thought that was a funny way to say stubborn and sassy but I did buy the book! I'll let you all know how that works out. LOL

Daryl hitting the Pinata first!

Daryl meeting his new cousin Sophia.
Sophia is being held by her lovely godmother Ashley!

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