Thursday, September 6, 2012

Turning the Big 4

I can't believe it has been four years since my Daryl was born!

With the expansion of our family and changing jobs we didn't get to celebrate D's birthday in August. We did decide to make a whole day of activities for him on Labor Day. We started off at The Discovery Center. This was his first visit there and he had lots of fun playing in the wood shop, working on a car and painting! I didn't know how long the Discovery center would hold his attention and only planned on being there 90 minutes, as it turns out we could have easily stayed there twice that long!

After the Discovery Center Daryl had his birthday party. Lots of family and friends  celebrated with him. He had a Spiderman theme party and even though I forgot to serve the cupcakes on the Spiderman plates I think it went good!

Daryl has been telling me for a couple of weeks that when it's his party he won't sing the happy birthday song. He explained you sing it to all your friends and then when it is your birthday they sing it to you! He was so excited when everyone started singing he just smiled and smirked the whole time.
And we got him that have instruments are supposed to be better at math...I stink at math...let's hope this helps......

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