Friday, September 14, 2012

My Mom Did Know a Thing or Two

LtoR: Alex, Mom, Cedar and Canyon
This morning I am staying home for a bit because I had my annual physical and Al's babysitter took the day off. The baby is pretty sleepy so I decided to clean a little bit. Surprisingly, the house looks pretty good except for the boys' rooms.
So I started in Daryl's room and I'm picking up toys, throwing away papers and getting all the dirty laundry. As I'm doing this I realize that I've almost filled up his little trash can and I better take it outside before he comes home and starts pulling stuff out.
FLASHBACK: I remember one summer when I went to church camp (Shout out to Camp Lakeside!!), and when I got home my mom had cleaned my room and thrown away a lot of papers and old toys. My room looked great and I was furious. I was going into the third grade and my mom had thrown away all of my treasurers! I'm pretty sure we didn't talk for a couple of days.
As I clean my own sons room I realize that my mom did two things: 1.) A lot of work in my room that I didn't have to do
2.) Probably kept me off of one of those hoarder shows when I grew up
As I prepare myself for five o'clock when Daryl comes home and will be totally mad at me for throwing away his treasures (trash), I would like to say THANK YOU mom. You did work really hard for probably a couple of days 20 years ago and I never said thanks!

Here is the funny party. My Mom was ON HER GAME 20 years ago. She may be slipping a little today. Here is the story she told me on the phone yesterday.
"So I was taking your sister's kids to soccer practice after school and I realized I better feed them real quick. So we went to McDonalds to eat. I was a little flustered because we did drop a couple of drinks and had already caused some chaos in McDonalds. We were all done eating and we had thrown our trash away when I realized I didn't have my car keys anymore! Oh no, I must have thrown them away. After looking in the trash and not finding them Cedar says, 'Grandma, what if you locked them in the car!' I started to panic and went to go check the car. When I got to the parking lot I realized the keys were in the car...and the car was running...unlocked. Cedar assess the situation and says, 'Grandma someone could have stole your car!'
After hearing this I only have two questions for my dear mother. Do you take medication? Did you remember to take it on that day?
Oh dear lord, getting old is rough but better than the alternative!
I am spinning a bit. Maybe yarn soonish???


  1. Yes, hello XYZ Assisted living facility, do you have any openings for my mother Rosie?
