Sunday, July 29, 2012

When Kelly Gets in a Mood

 When my dear husband Kelly gets in a picture hanging mood, it's best to just go with it! After church today he was looking for a project and I said, "I would like the boys' pictures hung in our bedroom." That caused him to pull all the things we had to hang on the walls from the basement and start hanging.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that the pictures, clocks and art are up. I just think it's funny how focused on a project Kelly gets. I also think he is passing that trait along to Daryl. The entire time Kelly was criss crossing the house, D was right by his side!

Grandma Rosie left us today. :-(  She had been staying with us since Alex was born, but had to go back home. We could only think of one proper way to thank her. We took her out for Orange Leaf frozen yogurt!

Alex slept through his first frozen yogurt, and Daryl got his with gummy bears!

 A few words from the Daryl Dictionary that will help you if you find yourself in conversation with him.

Drain = Drown
Used mostly while playing in the bathtub. "Mom help me I'm draining!"

Teamer = Coach
Used when he plays soccer.
"Mom you be the teamer and I'll be your team!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Typing With One Hand

Alex about 15 minutes old!
Hello blog! Writing this post while baby Alex is sleeping on me. :-) Alex was born July 20th at 7:41am. I went into labor at 3am and we got to the birthing center at 5:45. Couldn't have asked for a better birth experience and some day soon I hope to write the entire birth story! Be prepared it will be long.

We went home the same day as the birth and Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl were at the house waiting to greet us, and take care of us. It was so nice to have them here and not just because they were baking goodies the entire time they were waiting!

About an hour after settling in my best friend Jaime brought Daryl home to meet his brother. Jaime gave up some of her night and picked up D for us and took him to school too. That was planned out before hand and I'm so glad it was because everything ended up happening so fast.

Later in the day Grandma Rosie and Aunt Sofia got to this part of the state and Grandma Rosie is still here helping with the house stuff and allowing me to take some naps during the day. Sleeping at night is not so much Alex's thing!
Daryl rolling on the floor with Alex

Daryl is taking the new brother in stride. Although a baby head must hold some kind of magic because all he wants to do is squeeze his "funny head!" Alex is not phased. Daryl has asked a few visitors if they are taking the baby with them when they are leaving, more of a request than a concern. LOL
The hardest part for Daryl so far is having to go to school when he knows mommy is not going to work. He has fun at school and isn't upset when he gets there but the mornings have been a challenge.

Alex has been eating and pooping like a champ and in newborn world that is all they are supposed to do. So he is doing both well!
The knitting has been set aside although I have lofty goals of what I want to get done on this month off of work. I better get busy!!

Grandma with the grandsons

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ready for Baby

We got the new carpet today. Yay!! Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl all the bedrooms are put back together and we are ready for baby! Sooooo you can come out now baby. :-) We all want to see you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

38 Weeks

I know I "technically" have two weeks of pregnancy left, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if this little man comes early! No matter what Brooke says I don't think anyone wants me at the county fair pregnant. LOL
There was one baby born in our family this week.

I present to you Bennett our newest nephew! We went and visited him in the hospital hoping it would coax his cousin out, but no such luck! Bennett is a really cutie and slept the whole time I was visiting him. I do think Uncle Kelly made him cry!
The only up side to staying pregnant is we do have new carpet coming on Monday and a new baby would put a little hitch in that. So we will try to stay positive about actually making it to my due date, I just hope baby is not getting any ideas about getting too big!

Speaking of too big, last Saturday Daryl had his last tumbling class. He is getting to be such a big boy! We will have to sign him up for another class soon, he had a lot of fun.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Catching Up

I've had "update the blog" on the to-do list for a week now but with all going on around the manor it is just now getting done.
The 4th of July was very relaxing for our family. We spent a lazy morning cleaning the house and doing laundry. Then after naps, (we all took one), we were in search of fireworks that didn't make noise! That does not leave you a lot of options but we did find a few.  We also found some ice cream!
We had a private fireworks show in the drive way set off by show master Kelly, then we were all in bed by ten. We are PARTY ANIMALS!

We did spend the 3rd of July with friends in Baldwin City and had some BBQ and bigger fireworks so  we were not missing out.
Another change around here is I started with the Extension office (again:-) this week. I loved working there before and I'm happy to be working there again. The timing is a little wonky with me having the baby soon but everyone is being really flexible with me and I appreciate it! If I can get through my 3-day orientation at K-State this week before going into labor I don't think I can ask anymore of the baby! So after Wednesday I grant him permission to be born, let's see if he cooperates!

On the knitting front I've made big progress on my sweater vest made out of my own hand spun yarn BUT it has zapped all my mental energy. So, I have started making some little baby hats that take almost zero thought.
Sometimes you just need a little mindless stockinette stitch!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Staying Cool!

This weekend priority one has been staying cool! Mission accomplished :-)
Spent most of the last couple of days staying inside working on some projects.
Kelly built a shelf for the kitchen that I am super excited about. I saw the idea on pinterest and have been bugging him to make one. All the mail and pens and stuff did sit on the island but now that we have this shelf, our island seems twice as big. Yay!!
I've been knitting my handspun sprout and am in the process of making my first handspun sweater vest. After all, there is nothing better to do in 100 degree plus weather than knit a sweater!
We did get outside once to go to the pool with friends. I could sit in a pool all day every day in this weather.

Kelly and I have a birthing class tomorrow so as long as baby doesn't come tonight we should be ready! LOL Actually, I need the baby to stay in until we get our new carpet in the nursery put in, and that is a couple of weeks away. Don't worry, I've talked with baby and he agrees that he doesn't want to come out till his room is ready. So as long as he doen't change his mind we will be in business!
Handspun Sprout Yarn
Beginning of Sprout vest!