Monday, June 25, 2012

Surprise Grandma Visit!

Our family was very surprised and happy this weekend to get a visit from Grandma Rosie from the other side of the state! It is a very strange year when wheat harvest is, for the most part, over this early in the summer. Usually my mom misses her birthday celebration, (end of June) and the 4th of July because of wheat harvest.
We decided not to tell Daryl she was coming until Friday in case plans changed, so he was the most surprised out of all of us.

Daryl is starting to smile like me, meaning when
he smiles you can't see his eyes!

Grandma got to take Daryl to tumbling on Saturday, ride the train in the park and enjoy a fish fry with the other grandparents. Overall it was a great relaxing weekend.

I even got the newly spun sprout plied, washed and it is hanging in the sunroom to dry right now. Hopefully I will cast on the sweater vest with it soon because I'm kinda out of things to knit right now. It seems if I have the pattern I don't have the yarn and if I have the yarn I don't have the pattern. It's a vicious cycle.

Speaking of never having what I need to finish a project (nevermind the entire closet in my new house devoted to my fiber arts), Kelly had this to say.
Kelly-You let yarn run your life, you will put off anything else just to play with your yarn.
Me-It could be worse, I could be addicted to something awful like cocain.
Kelly-I don't think that would cost me more money than the yarn does!
Me- "Eyeroll"!
See, Kelly can be funny sometimes!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just too tired to blog!

I've had some nervous energy to work with this month. I've channeled it into spinning and am LOVING this green Hello Yarn fiber. I have grand plans for a sweater vest using this yarn. We shall see! Hoping that after this week everything calms down and Kelly and I can do the finishing touches of the baby stuff. We don't have much left besides put in the car seats, pack a bag and buy some diapers. Time is getting close folks!!

Speaking of time is getting close this weekend sister-in-law and I took our first belly bump pictures together. We are due on the same day! It will be fun to have cousins this close in age and I'm just hoping we don't wear out grandma Meerpohl. ;-)

This weekend I finished the baby socks and started a cowl using my handspun. I like saying the word cowl around Kelly because he just shakes his head and says, "I have no idea what that looks like a scarf..."
It's fun to keep him guessing sometimes!
Other than Kelly breaking his glasses and being blind for the whole day we had a great father's day! Daryl got to give dad his golf gift card and tell daddy about how we got to ride a golf cart when we went to buy it. Daryl has been trying to tell Kelly about this for weeks but I would just shrug my shoulders and say I had no idea what he was talking about. Daryl was happy people finally started believing him and his golf cart story! We had breakfast out and then went to the pool. I'm sure Kelly could feel the love Daryl and I were sending him because LORD knows he couldn't see us!! LOL
 P.S. for those of you concerned about poor Kelly he got new frames yesterday and can see again!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wash Day

I'm sure a big Wash Day means something else to most households. Good thing Kelly knows around Meerpohl Manor it means all the hand knits and hand spuns are getting washed. He didn't even flinch when I asked him to put nails in the rafters of the sun room so I could hang yarn to dry. That is LOVE!

I finally got Daryl's sweater washed and blocked and the baby vest washed and blocked. Lots done this weekend and I'm feeling relieved that all the projects are getting wrapped up. I feel so good in fact that I started some baby socks. :-)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Soccer, knitting there anything else??

This week has been super busy at Meerpohl Manor! Daryl went to his first soccer camp and has been a trooper! It started on Tuesday the 29th and ends tonight. Other than playing with a soccer ball he really didn't know anything about the game so he has had a lot of fun learning and playing with the other kids. I'm amazed at four and five how much some of the other kids can already do!
The camp is for 90-minutes every evening so he has been super tired at night! That is the longest he has ever done one activity so it just shows how much he is growing up. Sniff...he is not my baby anymore!!
Last night I finished his 4-year birthday sweater!! Yay!! Even Kelly said "Wow you are a whole two months early!"
Me-"I know right!"
It still needs a bath but the knitting is done and the ends are all sewn in. I wanted to finish this in May so I was hell bent to get it done last night! YAY!!
Surprisingly, I also finished the baby blanket in May. Now I just want to knit a little coming home vest and then I'm knitting some stuff for ME! Because I'm selfish like that! LOL
Thank you to all the knitters who donated to this blanket, you will wrap my baby in hand made hugs every time he uses it!

I've wanted to post this picture for the longest time. There is a little back story on why its a cool picture.
When I'm at the computer there is usually a 95% chance I'm on Ravelry. There are over 2 million members on Ravelry.  Kelly calls Ravelry facebook for knitters but it is really so much more, I'll call it a fiber arts community.
Anywho, when I found out I was pregnant I joined the Due in July 2012 group. We help each other, give advice and cyber hugs! It's an awesome group.
So I was super surprised when I found out that another one of my due in July group friends was going to Yarn School! So my baby bump met Sarahlou's baby bump at yarn school! It was really fun AND that meant there was another person there that couldn't drink beer all day and night and that made me feel better too! ;-)