Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello March

The New House!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, it has not been because of lack of news. The Manor has found a new casa and we will be moving at the end of the month. It has been quite the process and I actually will not think its actually going to happen until I have the new house keys in my hot little hand! I forgot how much moving sucks but I remember now and I don't intend on doing it again until it is time for a condo in Florida!
I will keep everyone updated on the moving status, for now I'm just packing slowly and being positive!

The weather has been great around here. We had a couple of rainy days but we got to play outside most of the weekend. We also got to meet our cousin Hazel on Friday and she is a doll! Daryl just wanted to take her home so she could be our baby but her mom and dad were not really going for that. Darn!
To calm myself I've also been doing a lot of knitting! Look at my newest hat! I made it in four days and now I need another new project. Starting a new project is only compounded by the fact I'm not buying any new yarn for lent. Good thing I have enough yarn to stock a small store already! Let's hope I have something that will work. Now what should I make next.....

1 comment:

  1. The house looks nice. You will already be in it when I visit. So I may have to call for directions!! Love U
