Sunday, March 11, 2012

Packing and Haricuts

There was a lot of packing going on around the manor today and yesterday. I was going to take a picture of all the boxes but then I thought better of it. We can all imagine a room full of boxes so that is no fun!
 Today, Daryl got his first haircut from Grandma in probably a couple of years. The last time ended in tears and him not wanting to go in Grandma's kitchen anymore so we decided to end that. We have just been taking him to a barber and he did cry there at first too but after awhile he just got used to it.
Both he and Kelly needed a haircut Daryl said he wanted Grandma to cut his hair! He was a very good boy and did great for her! Kelly did pretty good too!

I'm still working on my sweater. I wanted to have the body done and I almost got there. So hopefully I can get that and the sleeves done this week before the move!
OK, with the time change and Daryl deciding he wanted to be up for two hours last night I am giving up and going to bed. Goodnight all!

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