Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Pat's Day!

Had a great Saturday with the family! We've been watching a lot of basketball at the manor so we slept in today and didn't get dressed until 10am when it was time to head downtown for the parade.
The parade was awesome and loooonnnnngggg. We did not make it to the end. When we had been there two hours Daryl and his friend Addison had had enough. They needed to eat lunch anyway.

I've got to do just about all my favorite things today. I've knit, played outside, took a bubble bath and read a book! I think Kelly is spoiling me because he got a night to golf last week and I told him he  better do it again this week before we move. Once we move there will be a lot of new projects and the golfing time could get slim again.....
I felted my new knitting bag today. I put it in a pillowcase in the washer, set the water temp to hot and let it agitate. I got it out before the spin cycle and voila a felted bag!
I also finished the body of my sweater last night during the KU game and got going on the sleeves today.
Moving has really put some heat under my butt to get some of these projects done. Its like everything that was started here must be finished here. Except my Que Sera cardigan and Kelly's t-shirt quilt, cause that ain't gonna happen! (Excuse my grammar!)
Happy St. Pat's Day everyone!

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