Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally Finished!

Last night I finally finished my sweater! This is the one that I said if this new pattern doesn't work out I quit on the yarn. I'm so glad that I didn't quit because this sweater is as soft as kitten fur!
I Imagine the fit will be better after July, I plan to not be so round about then! ;-)
Notice all the boxes behind me?! We are officially packed up and ready to move into our new home. Fingers crossed everything happens that is supposed to and we close on Friday with no drama! Yay!!

Quick Daryl story because I know half of my readers are here for the knitting/spinning and the other half for Daryl stories. I was making a deposit at our bank the other day in the drive thru and Daryl was in the back seat. The teller finished my transaction and said "Thank you Kelly is there anything else I can do for you?"
Daryl yelled from the back seat, "Did he just call you Kelly? That is my dad's name...your name is Candis!" "We are going to have to tell Dad that man called you Kelly!"
The teller was laughing and I was just pulling away as fast as I could. Awwww the innocence of children!

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