Sunday, March 25, 2012

If you can't move...Play!

As you might have guessed from lack of new house pictures we are still in the old house. In the grand scheme of things it's an annoyance more than anything else.
So we took the weekend off and went up to Holton and rested and played. It was much needed and we are so thankful that we have family close that can offer us a little recharge when we need it!

The weather would have been great for moving but it was even better for playing at the park and rolling down the hill in grandma and papa's backyard. The only thing that will spoil this game is heading into a pine tree and thankfully that only happened once!

The Manor will be hosting Grandma Rosie this week and Daryl is very excited! He did want her to bring his cousins and Grandpa Richard's farm but I told him we would head west soon to see everyone!

OK, gotta make this short the Jayhawks need my support as they try and make it to the final four! And major applause for the women for playing their hearts out yesterday against Tennessee. I wished for another upset but it didn't happen.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally Finished!

Last night I finally finished my sweater! This is the one that I said if this new pattern doesn't work out I quit on the yarn. I'm so glad that I didn't quit because this sweater is as soft as kitten fur!
I Imagine the fit will be better after July, I plan to not be so round about then! ;-)
Notice all the boxes behind me?! We are officially packed up and ready to move into our new home. Fingers crossed everything happens that is supposed to and we close on Friday with no drama! Yay!!

Quick Daryl story because I know half of my readers are here for the knitting/spinning and the other half for Daryl stories. I was making a deposit at our bank the other day in the drive thru and Daryl was in the back seat. The teller finished my transaction and said "Thank you Kelly is there anything else I can do for you?"
Daryl yelled from the back seat, "Did he just call you Kelly? That is my dad's name...your name is Candis!" "We are going to have to tell Dad that man called you Kelly!"
The teller was laughing and I was just pulling away as fast as I could. Awwww the innocence of children!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Pat's Day!

Had a great Saturday with the family! We've been watching a lot of basketball at the manor so we slept in today and didn't get dressed until 10am when it was time to head downtown for the parade.
The parade was awesome and loooonnnnngggg. We did not make it to the end. When we had been there two hours Daryl and his friend Addison had had enough. They needed to eat lunch anyway.

I've got to do just about all my favorite things today. I've knit, played outside, took a bubble bath and read a book! I think Kelly is spoiling me because he got a night to golf last week and I told him he  better do it again this week before we move. Once we move there will be a lot of new projects and the golfing time could get slim again.....
I felted my new knitting bag today. I put it in a pillowcase in the washer, set the water temp to hot and let it agitate. I got it out before the spin cycle and voila a felted bag!
I also finished the body of my sweater last night during the KU game and got going on the sleeves today.
Moving has really put some heat under my butt to get some of these projects done. Its like everything that was started here must be finished here. Except my Que Sera cardigan and Kelly's t-shirt quilt, cause that ain't gonna happen! (Excuse my grammar!)
Happy St. Pat's Day everyone!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Packing and Haricuts

There was a lot of packing going on around the manor today and yesterday. I was going to take a picture of all the boxes but then I thought better of it. We can all imagine a room full of boxes so that is no fun!
 Today, Daryl got his first haircut from Grandma in probably a couple of years. The last time ended in tears and him not wanting to go in Grandma's kitchen anymore so we decided to end that. We have just been taking him to a barber and he did cry there at first too but after awhile he just got used to it.
Both he and Kelly needed a haircut Daryl said he wanted Grandma to cut his hair! He was a very good boy and did great for her! Kelly did pretty good too!

I'm still working on my sweater. I wanted to have the body done and I almost got there. So hopefully I can get that and the sleeves done this week before the move!
OK, with the time change and Daryl deciding he wanted to be up for two hours last night I am giving up and going to bed. Goodnight all!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Official Stashdown

We are in phase three of full on stash down! (I don't know how many phases there are.)
I'm not buying any new yarn for the foreseeable future so here we go on projects I already have yarn for. First up a red and gray sweater that regular readers have seen started twice. I'm trying for the third and final time. I'm making a different pattern and if at the end of this try it will either be a sweater or kindling. We shall see!
I will keep you all posted on the stash down. It's going to get serious. :-/
Here is a picture of Daryl getting a drink!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello March

The New House!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, it has not been because of lack of news. The Manor has found a new casa and we will be moving at the end of the month. It has been quite the process and I actually will not think its actually going to happen until I have the new house keys in my hot little hand! I forgot how much moving sucks but I remember now and I don't intend on doing it again until it is time for a condo in Florida!
I will keep everyone updated on the moving status, for now I'm just packing slowly and being positive!

The weather has been great around here. We had a couple of rainy days but we got to play outside most of the weekend. We also got to meet our cousin Hazel on Friday and she is a doll! Daryl just wanted to take her home so she could be our baby but her mom and dad were not really going for that. Darn!
To calm myself I've also been doing a lot of knitting! Look at my newest hat! I made it in four days and now I need another new project. Starting a new project is only compounded by the fact I'm not buying any new yarn for lent. Good thing I have enough yarn to stock a small store already! Let's hope I have something that will work. Now what should I make next.....