Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Yesterday Daryl and I made pancakes for dinner! It was really fun and D was super interested in helping. Most days when he comes home from preschool he wants to play with his Toy Story toys or watch a video. I asked him if he wanted to make pancakes with me and he was all excited. He stayed the kitchen the whole time.
We started by mixing them up

Our first batch was a little dark. Daryl said he didn't want those!
We agreed this was an apple pancake and Daryl definetly wanted to eat this one!
I spent this weekend at Woolfest with a lot of friends in Wamego. I spun all day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. I am so thrilled with my new braid that I got and I'm addicted to spinning it. I want to make this my first three ply as I have plenty of fiber. I've named the colorway plum fire and this is the second spool. I should have the third spool done by this weekend and hopefully will be plying soon.
Another thing I want to do with this yarn is attach my larger spool and flyer so I can make a super skein. It takes some adjustments to the wheel but with Kelly's help I'm sure we can do it! Yay!!

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