Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Aspirations

Resolution-1.A firm decision to do or not to do something.
Aspiration- 1.A hope or ambition of achieving something

You can make resolutions if you want, I will stick with Aspirations!
2012 Aspirations:
1.) End the year with 2x2x2 knitting for myself. Two new sweaters, two new shawls and two pairs of socks.
2.) Spin enough to make a kid size sweater and then knit that said sweater for an actual kid. Human not goat! PS- You can knit chickens sweaters but that is for a different blog post. PSS- I don't have any chickens...yet...
3.) Run!
4.) Cut down on stuff!! I don't need stuff I need a savings account, (OK, I have one of those but at 29 it should be bigger, and that is the goal).
5.) Knit and craft from stash as much as possible.
6.) Learn to make tortillas.
7.) Learn to make Sopa from Aunt Dee because hers tastes like my great grandmas!
8.)Pay off one of our three remaining debts.
9.) Lastly, help Kelly more, I'm not sure with what but make him start asking for help and then do it!!

I finished plying my mesa batt tonight. Funny thing about the wool, I love love loved the batt. I was disappointed with my singles. After plying I like the yarn. Huh, go figure!

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