Friday, January 27, 2012

That is more like it!

The microwave is now in the wall!
Kelly fixed the hole in the wall! Thanks Kelly! All of our appliances are now white, the brown appliances will be missed. :(

Old shawl, it was too hard.
So a long long time ago I started a shawl with some primo yarn. We are talking yarn that comes from Germany and people go there just to bring back some of this yarn. My friend Karen scored some of this yarn and with a personal check from me was nice enough to share. :)

Old shawl is now yarn again!
Any who the shawl was a mess. The pattern is a total disaster. I will not mention the pattern name because I really like the designer and she wrote it assuming I know a lot about lace, I do not. I came to terms with that for now, this shawl will not be mine. I'm starting a more beginner shawl pattern because this yarn needs to be shown off. I will post more pictures of this new shawl later, it is my new knitting priority.
Daryl was sick a few days this week. He had to miss school and Kelly stayed home with him. Unfortunately, this got Kelly sick too. Kelly stayed home alone today and is starting to feel a little better. Hopefully by this weekend the whole manor will be healthy again! Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hmmmmm What's Missing in this Picture?

It has been a few days but I do think there used to be an oven in that hole in the wall. Stay tuned on this project.....
On another note Daryl has been having a good time playing Toy Story in his Toy Story jammies! As you can see Woody and Buzz are having an in depth conversation.

Daryl also went to his first movie this weekend! We saw Happy Feet Two and it was a very cute movie. Daryl liked that there were not any  bad guys and the dancing penguins were pretty cool too!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Staying Up Late

I'm up past ten and there is only one good reason. KU Basketball! KU is up at half lets hope they can keep this up. :)
Had a three day weekend and got some stuff done. Had a nice homemade Mexican dinner in Holton on Saturday! Spun a second single and have a good start on the third! Once I have all three bobbins full I can start plying my yarn, I'm giddy about it. I know I'm a nerd and that is OK!
I've also been doing a lot of straight knitting in the round to make a felted bag with my 4-H knitters. Our homework for this month was to finish the body of the bag and I'm about two inches shy of that, so I'm happy on that project.
I think Kelly found a matching oven and stove top on craiglist so we might be getting a little kitchen upgrade. Have to look at them in person first.
I guess that's kinda it. We are being boring at the manor right now, no news is good news I guess!

As I publish KU is up 59 to Baylor's 42! Come on Hawks, keep it up!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Yesterday Daryl and I made pancakes for dinner! It was really fun and D was super interested in helping. Most days when he comes home from preschool he wants to play with his Toy Story toys or watch a video. I asked him if he wanted to make pancakes with me and he was all excited. He stayed the kitchen the whole time.
We started by mixing them up

Our first batch was a little dark. Daryl said he didn't want those!
We agreed this was an apple pancake and Daryl definetly wanted to eat this one!
I spent this weekend at Woolfest with a lot of friends in Wamego. I spun all day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. I am so thrilled with my new braid that I got and I'm addicted to spinning it. I want to make this my first three ply as I have plenty of fiber. I've named the colorway plum fire and this is the second spool. I should have the third spool done by this weekend and hopefully will be plying soon.
Another thing I want to do with this yarn is attach my larger spool and flyer so I can make a super skein. It takes some adjustments to the wheel but with Kelly's help I'm sure we can do it! Yay!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Aspirations

Resolution-1.A firm decision to do or not to do something.
Aspiration- 1.A hope or ambition of achieving something

You can make resolutions if you want, I will stick with Aspirations!
2012 Aspirations:
1.) End the year with 2x2x2 knitting for myself. Two new sweaters, two new shawls and two pairs of socks.
2.) Spin enough to make a kid size sweater and then knit that said sweater for an actual kid. Human not goat! PS- You can knit chickens sweaters but that is for a different blog post. PSS- I don't have any chickens...yet...
3.) Run!
4.) Cut down on stuff!! I don't need stuff I need a savings account, (OK, I have one of those but at 29 it should be bigger, and that is the goal).
5.) Knit and craft from stash as much as possible.
6.) Learn to make tortillas.
7.) Learn to make Sopa from Aunt Dee because hers tastes like my great grandmas!
8.)Pay off one of our three remaining debts.
9.) Lastly, help Kelly more, I'm not sure with what but make him start asking for help and then do it!!

I finished plying my mesa batt tonight. Funny thing about the wool, I love love loved the batt. I was disappointed with my singles. After plying I like the yarn. Huh, go figure!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 is Showing Promise

I'm a little late but Happy New Year everyone! I was so busy doing nothing so far this year I didn't get around to getting on the computer and blogging!

Yesterday Kelly and I were both off work so we started by working in the basement. We cleared out some stuff that if we haven't needed it in the past five years we probably don't need it at all. A lot of college notebooks bit the dust as well as high school ribbons and medals. Oh well I'm out to declutter our house so if we ever get to move to a new house it won't be so hard!

After I was done with the organizing bug I started spinning! I haven't done any spinning for a couple of months because my wheel got taken out of the living room and put in the craft room. (It rightfully belongs there!) So I put it back in the living room and spun to my heart's content on my Mesa batt while watching Toy Story 3 for the 50th time! It made the movie much more enjoyable. :)
While we were decluttering we went thru Daryl's toys. He was there with us and we were doing the whole "Here are two toys which one do you want to keep." He did really well and always picked just one and never said, "I want both!"

While doing this he discovered a lot of things that he hasn't played with in awhile. He rediscovered his Lowe's apron and his construction hat. So this is how he went to pre-school today!
Lastly, I thought this year was starting very badly when on December 31st our Boston Terrier Sister jumped out of the back of the truck on the way to the park and Kelly didn't notice until him and Daryl had reached their destination. So Kelly spent two hours looking for her and she was lost. :( 
We called the police and the humane society but really didn't know what else to do. So as the wind got cold I got sad and went to bed thinking about sister being under a bush somewhere freezing! The next day we decided to place an ad on craigslist hoping that if someone found her they would call us. When we went to craigslist under the lost and found the very first ad was featuring a female Boston Terrier! We called right away and got to go pick her up. So she spent her night away from home inside with very nice people. So I think 2012 will be a pretty good year after all!