Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bag Lady

I did it! I finished Daryl's Halloween Trick-Or-Treat bag. And...Get This...Halloween isn't for FOUR DAYS!!! I don't even know who I am anymore. :) On a normal project I would be doing it at midnight the night before I needed it with Kelly shaking his head asking me "Why didn't you just buy it?"

Ha to him!! I'm on top of it, I finally figured out that Halloween and Birthdays always happen at the same time every year! (I still don't know how Christmas happens without me noticing)

This bag is lined and was from a panel. I bought it for 70% off after last Halloween at Jo-Anns. So its a double win because again Kelly says I never use that stuff I buy at Jo-Anns. DOUBLE Ha to him!!!

OK enough gloating I'm going to bed.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Game

Daryl went to his first KU football game this weekend. We went to the customary Triangle Tailgate too but he has been to those since he was eight weeks old! He had fun playing with all of the tailgate games and fetching guys their beverages from their coolers!
The Hawks are in the middle of a season I'm sure they wish was over, but I thought they looked like they were trying hard.

People had doubted that by the scores of the past KU games but I saw for my own eyes that the kids are playing hard and just look like they are behind the curve.

Buck up everyone, it'll be bad I'm sure when we play Nebraska and MU (Mu** Fizzou!) but I've got a lot of Jayhawk pride to last me thru this year until they get better! And they will!!! :)

I should be sewing right now. I'm going to make Daryl's trick or treat bag, but I haven't been feeling all that great today so I'm bumming around. Maybe when Kelly is home I will have more motivation to work on it!

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and I will post pictures of my mailman ASAP!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Henry Henry Henry

Henry and his mom came and visited us this week! We were so happy to have them. D and Henry have been playing so nice and D can not stop petting Henry's head. For some reason he likes to feel the peach fuzz up there!

I've been working really hard on Kelly's sweater. Don't know about the Christmas deadline but I'm still trying!! Still on the back :(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mmmmmm Cupcake

Today was cousin Dominic's First birthday party. Daryl had a lot of fun with all of his cousins but the highlights were playing football, eating cupcakes, and playing with all of Dominic's new toys!

I made a little sweater and matching socks for the Birthday boy and I think he really liked them. I really like the Tiny Top Down pattern I used because it is knit in the round and has no front or back. Just a really good pattern for little ones.

These were my first little people socks and I think they turned out really well. Because of the yarn they were not identical twins but that's OK!

Saturday Kelly and I witnessed our friends get hitched at their home. They are getting married married in Mexico but they had to do the marriage licence part in the US, so that was fun!

Other than that we had a pretty chill weekend and I think Henry is coming to visit this week. So We are all getting really excited about that!! Yeah Henry!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What A Weekend

One reason Kelly never gets to work on the house if probably because we are rarely all here! This weekend was no exception. We went out to our friends' house Friday night for good food and good times. They have a daughter a little younger than Daryl and its fun to watch them play. Daryl also got to sit on the tractor. He could have got a ride but when they started it up for him he got scared. :(

On Saturday Uncle Bri and Aunt Nik agreed to take D for the day so Kel and I could meet Momma Rosie for lunch and planning in Salina. She likes how Kel and I do the Dave Ramsey debt plan so much she wanted to get her budget started to. So we took the laptop and met halfway and got a lot accomplished. Then of course I went and got some yarn. No big shock there. :) It was purple yarn so that is a little shocking. :)

On our way home we were discussing how long we could wait to put new tires on the car when one blew out. Thank God we were not thrown across the road and were able to pull off. We had a doughnut tire but no jack so they Highway assistance came and assisted us. We told him we were thankful for the job he does and he let us know he was thankful for people that needed him (job security).

We were on the side of the road for about 40 minutes and that is why you always have some knitting with you! Don't worry I had my Monkey Sock.

So today, Sunday, we got two new tires on the car and went to the pumpkin patch outside of Lawrence. Brooke, Eric and Addison joined us and we let Daryl lead the way as he was an expert on picking good pumpkins. That was one of the things he did with Uncle Bri and Aunt Nik on Saturday.

Its been a great weekend but I'm ready to put on my jammies and stay in for awhile. Its not even 5pm yet! Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, it was a little hot today for my taste. Hope that doesn't mean I will get a blizzard for Halloween!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Singing the Song in your Heart

This has been an interesting week at the manor. We upgraded in car (sorry still no pic, but I'm sure everyone knows what a Taurus looks like), Daryl got some type of rash and I baked. All things that do not happen regularly.

Think D might be allergic to some type of soap or wipe (its mostly in his cheeks) but we haven't pin pointed the cause yet. It is something that is around though because it comes and goes about daily.

Posting a picture of my finished Monkey sock so I can prove I am making progress. Might just wrap this project this week, we shall see. I should hurry on them because I have convinced Kelly I need a new pair of brown shoes to show them off properly. I think he bought it!

Also putting up a picture of D singing. He doesn't do it around other people and it is just too cute not to share.

On the lawn, we don't need to mow yet, we'll leave it at that!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sweet Green Fields of Victory

Kelly couldn't be more pleased. As I'm sure I was this proud of myself when I made a baby Kelly has made a lawn. Yeah!!
On another note I finished one orange monkey sock and have casted on its sister. We also got a different car this week after the cutlass broke its coils. Stupid coils. We have a red Taurus now and upgraded by ten years. :)
Will post pictures when we get it shined up like a new penny.