Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Tucker a Toddler

Its easy!

Step One-Take him for a 30 minute bike ride first thing after breakfast

Step Two-Spend an hour and a half at the zoo

Step Three-Stuff full of Wendy's French Fries

That's it after that D took a two hour nap, totally chilled for an afternoon of shopping and did not fuss at all when it was time for bath and bed! :)


  1. Sounds like a plan. The zoo pictures are great! See you all soon.Love you--MOMMA

  2. Oh I am always so excited when I see there is a new post on your blog. I absolutely love to read your way with words. It is so fun and you can't post enough. I love the pictures and information too.
    So keep up the good work. It makes me smile and laugh out loud.
