Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello June Good Bye Car Payments!!

Kelly and I accomplished so much last month I did not have a lot of time to do blog posts. Summer is always a hard time because we are outside so much but I will try to do better!!

The Manor is still working the debt free plan and we made big strides last month. We paid off two debts one being the truck! Yeah, it drives better now. :-)

Our next debt to knock off is our LAST credit card. It will take awhile but it will make all the extra hours both Kelly and I have been putting in worth it. We talk about when we will both be home with each other every evening and we can't wait. We know all this time apart will be worth it.

Daryl is up to his usual tricks. Mostly just climbing and getting into trouble. Since he now knows that biting is never ok he has started scratching. It really hurts and its a little harder to break him of this one. Maybe we should have him declawed!!

I have my knitting qued up as well as some books to read! I have to make the best of my me time in the evenings :-). I need to finish a pair of socks I'm making for my grandma Betty a cardigan for me and most important D's birthday sweater. After all august will be here before we know it and my little man will be TWO! Where does the time go. I promise it won't be so long until my next blog. Pinkie swear!!

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