Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Today was Kelly's day so we did what he wanted to all day!

Of course for lunch we had to have Chinese Buffet. Shared with our good friends Jamie and Ben. So glad to see them for awhile.

Then we went to the pool and had a great day swimming and sunning. Then Kel's favorite thing to do on a Sunday all three of us took a nap!

When D woke his parents up we went and got milkshakes and spent the rest of our time together at the park. It was a great day and Kelly loved it and his card that D picked out for him and signed.

I finally got some pictures of D taking care of his tiger. In this one he is giving him a kiss. Today I also caught him giving his baby some apples. But the minute we opened the door to the truck at the park he dropped his baby on his head to run to the swings. Guess his daddy instinct isn't that strong yet! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great day. Kelly is one lucky daddy. Hope Daryl grows up to be just like his daddy!
