Friday, June 18, 2010

Little D things

I don't have any pictures for today but some cute little things D has been up to. First I know why people don't understand other peoples kids. What would you think if D looked at you and said "choo choo bob". If you guessed he wants to brush his teeth you are right!
His toothpaste has Thomas the train on it and his toothbrush has Bob the Builder on it. So when it is choo choo bob time we go to the bathroom and let him brush his teeth!
He has also been perfecting his jumping skills! Not long ago when you said jump he would kinda make the motion and get one foot off the ground a couple of inches. No he squats all the way down to where his butt is almost touching the floor and then he springs up getting both feet off of the floor a couple of inches!!! He expect a round of applause for this and a lot of congratulations for his good jump!
The last thing that is just too cute is he has been giving all of his toy animals bites and drinks and hugs. The cutest is his tiger that he puts to bed when he leaves for the sitter and will always give a bite of whatever he is snacking on. It is just too cute to watch!

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