Sunday, April 25, 2010

So much finished!

The row of scraggly sad pine trees are finally gone! Kel and his dad worked on that this morning and in no time at all we had a nice open yard and a stack of fire wood! BAM!
While papa was taking out trees grammy Meerpohl was making Indian Tacos!! So we all ate well!! And there may or may not be a tub of choc covered strawberries in my fridge that the grandparents forgot to take home. They may also be all gone by now ;-)
Grandma Korf was also up this weekend bowling state. Yeah bowling! She did good on Saturday and ok on Sunday. We were just glad to see her and let her stay in her room/craft room! We also got to have some bonding time when we picked her out a microwave.

The bestest news of all is my sock now has a sister. And my first pair of socks are done. I am so proud of myself!! I made twins!!

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