Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yeah Sunshine!

There is nothing like blogging on the back patio in the cool breeze. Daryl is playing nicely with Vinny and they bugs and ants are not bad.

I don't know how Kelly makes my Internet work out here but I love him for it! Today I hit a milestone as a knitter. I finished my first sock! I've never been so proud of my knitting. I can now join the elite who say I knit socks. Well I can't really say socks till I finish the other one but I'm sure that will be soon.

Daryl and I have been staying outside working on our tans. So far I'm darker than him but he may catch up to me!! He got an Elmo movie and CD for Easter so Elmo is almost becoming a dirty word around here. I endure because it makes him happy. I'm sure Asa would agree its better than the Velveteen Rabbit. I used to make him watch that back to back!! Good Times.

Hugs to everyone hope you are all out enjoying this weather!!

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