Thursday, April 22, 2010

Down Come The Trees

The cedar trees, after six months from the first time the saw hit them, are now almost all the way down. Kel got most of what was left cut down the last time Momma Korf came up, then hauled them off the next week. Momma and Papa Meerpohl are coming down this weekend to get them finished off. We may actually get to plant some grass this fall now that the back yard sees a little sunlight.

Daryl got to see a lot of his cousins this week. Saturday he went to visit cousins Olivia and Victor in Lawrence while daddy played golf. They went to the park and had a picnic and played. Then Tuesday we went to see Carson's baseball game. We've still been playing outside as often as the weather will let us. This boy would be happy if he could live outside. Maybe we need to move to a tropical climate. Probably not, but I'm sure Daryl wouldn't complain.

We're looking forwared to seeing all of the grandparents this weekend. Good luck to Grandma Korf at the bowling tournament!

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