Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

Sugar Bear is feeling TONS better!! He spent all last week out of daycare but will be going back tomorrow. All of the sitters said they really missed their D last week! Thanks to Momma Korf for staying with Sugar when he was feeling all out of sorts. I'm glad he perked up for her on Friday. One good day is better than none I guess :-)

This weekend D got to try out his new high chair. He has never really like all his baby chairs we have had before but he has taken to his high chair. Go Figure!

D also went to his first basketball game on Saturday. He went to support his older cousin and had a good time with all of the noise and action going on. A busy busy weekend Momma Meerpohl also came down and made some living room curtains for the manor. Will get a picture of them up as soon as we have them hung!

I took a break from my Lace cardigan today. Started a hat I want to complete by Wednesday night to go on a knitting road trip. We'll see if it happens!!

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