Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Six Months Already

Sugar Bear had his six month appointment this week. He is now 18 pounds and 26.5 inches long. He had to have three shots, ouch! The doctor gave us some tips to help him learn to crawl and sit up on his own.

Not to much else going on this week. Planning a trip west for the weekend.

I know I said I wasn't going to give up on the lace cardigan. Well I LIED!! I ripped it out two nights ago found an easier pattern and am going to use the yarn up so it does not scream failure at me every time I look at it!! I will try it again when I have more time to really focus and knit.


  1. What a messy boy! Green beans everywhere!

  2. Can't wait to see you this weekend! Drive safe.
    Love you
