Thursday, February 12, 2009

Birthdays and Lace Nightmares

Last weekend was Great Grandma Meerpohl's birthday!! What a fun afternoon was spent eating and visiting and seeing family. When all the Meerpohls are together it can be a real riot.

Daryl had a fun time eating Grandma Meerpohl's jello salad. He has been doing a good job this week eating some baby food. He definitely likes squash better than peas. I was not in the room when he spit a mouth full of peas at his dad. Its funny how now that made us all laugh but in two years that would get him in trouble :-)

This week I have been trying to make real progress on my lace cardigan. I had really good help at the Yarn Barn and good advice to separate all my repeats. But I got so caught up doing that after I had my markers in I started in on the wrong line of my pattern. I had two rows done before I noticed. Do three steps forward two steps back I haven't even finished ripping out all of my mistake yet. Mark my words I will not give up on this pattern!!!

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