Monday, January 26, 2009

Coughs and sneezes and wheezes oh my!!

Friday night the weekend had a lot of possibility, a closet organizer to install, a sweater to knit, the world was ours! Then we notice sugar bear had a little cough hmmm a steamy bath and he went to bed.

Saturday came we had a visit from one of our cousins, sugar bear still had a little cough and now some sneezes. Sunday morning and a little cold was full blown sickness. So we had our first trip to the hospital since he was born. Nothing ambulance worthy, but after calling our doctors office they said better safe than sorry so we should go in and get a breathing treatment.
Turns out that is where Daryl would prefer to be on a free day. He likes pretty nurses!! He even had the respiratory therapist wanting to take him home! We were only a little tempted... :-p

He had two breathing treatments and we were on our way home a couple hours later with a baby who could breath again!!

Sugar bear is still feeling a little under the weather and he now had to do treatments at home but hopeful next weekend there will be more knitting and less wheezing!!


  1. Oh I hope the sweet little baby is much better now with the treatments and medicines to help the healing along. And I hope that all is going okay for the mom too. But know how good you have it since it is way too cold to be outside anyway. It is no fun getting out in this stuff just to get inside another building. Myself, I could become a hermitess really easily as I love time home and alone.
    Call if you need someone to visit with and call cousins around to come in to visit some too. Give the little guy a big hug and kiss from Grandma Glo.

  2. Gave his lots of kisses from Grandma for you!!
