Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sundays are for Projects!

We had a very busy weekend at the manor. But I don't mind because I don't plan on going to work tomorrow!! So I will catch up on my rest then. As for Kelly, I'm not sure when he will do his catching up but some time this week I owe him a nap.

It is well deserved because he spent a good part of his evening hanging pictures. I know you are thinking why would hanging pictures (six to be exact) take a whole evening? Well add in a couple of factors. The first being I think I have missed my calling as an interior decorator and the second being he is a perfectionist and there you have it, hanging pictures takes awhile.

We did get our family pictures back from the photographer this weekend. Sugarbears first pictures will be in the mail very soon!! Just a disclaimer: Dusty he is wearing a lot of KU! Would you still like one?

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