Tuesday, January 6, 2009

All Quiet At The Manor

Now that the holidays have passed our little family has been relaxing a bit. We have been slowly putting away the presents and sometime soon we will pack up the lights and tree!! I hope to have that done by Easter at the latest.

Kelly and I have gone from two cell phones to one so if you have them both we just use Kelly's now. We figure when we are not at work we are always together so why have two phones. I guess when we get tired of each other we will get the other phone back but I don't see that happening any time soon!

And last but not least Daryl (Sugar Bear) has learned how to roll from his tummy to his back. He won't go the other way because he has always preferred being on his back!! I swear the day he figured out the one way roll he was thinking, "I'm free! I'm free! No More Tummy Time!!"

We are still working on the baby food thing. No matter what we give him if it comes off a spoon he is not interested. So, if we have a five year old that just lays there and drinks from a bottle we are going to have to start getting tough with him! :-)

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