Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just in Time for the New Year

Join me as I welcome new little Ella!!! She arrived just in time to join us as we toast a new year!! At the ripe old age of one day she got a visit from her Auntie and cousin Daryl!! God bless you little girl and your arrival will remind us all of the new beginning every new year gives us.

Her little hat was her present from the Meerpohl Manor to match one I made her big brother awhile back. I was more than ha
ppy to knit a little pink!!!

Spending the new year with the other side of the family in Southwest Kansas. Looking forward to seeing everyone and getting a lot of knitting and reading done while my mom is playing with the baby :-)

Happy New Years to you and yours if I make some resolutions for the Manor I will let you all know!!

1 comment:

  1. Daryl=Cute; Outfit=Not so much! haha!! Happy New Year!!!
