Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Back!!

Christmas was awesome!! The Meerpohls spent Christmas Eve and day away from the Manor. Two days with food and family was great! Also thanks to my momma Meerpohl I have discovered the awesomeness of ITunes! She gave me a gift card for x-mas and It was spent in about 20 minutes. I have been jamming to new tunes ever since.

Daryl had a great time with all the new sights, smells and sounds. Most of his Christmas is on Video and I will try and get some of those posted soon.

Daryl also had his first game night!! And it was so much fun he had to go to bed early :-)

On the knitting front I have sew together my sweater vest and have picked up the stitches for the ribbed neck edge. I just have to finish that and finish the arm holes. I have a nice big road trip for the new year so I have no excuses not to finish it.

Then I want to cast on some quick knits!!

Happy New year to all of you and yours. I don't see how 09 can top 08 but I'm sure it will!

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