Monday, December 15, 2008

Yeah for Knitting

Today consisted of a lot of driving to and from some required work training. Since I was lucky enough to catch a ride I got a lot of knitting done!! I have not got a lot of chances to knit since the arrival of little Daryl but I've been told there will be plenty of time to catch up when he is a teenager and doesn't want to be seen with me anymore!!!

I'm working on a sweater vest and a lace scarf. I have been working on both since I was pregnant and am close to done. Yeah!!

Daryl had a big weekend spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl's for the first time! He was really good and when he woke up mommy and daddy were there to give him his morning bottle.

Other than that we got Jheri's graduation celebrated and some homemade candy made with Aunt barb. All in all a pretty good weekend. The laundry and dusting can wait we are having too much fun playing with the baby :-)

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